Offering bespoke service and range since 2000

"Paperbarks", owned by the Cameron family, who took on the business at 240 York St in Albany during October 2000. The business was previously two separate entities, namely Angus & Robertson Albany and NewsXpress Albany (previously Amity News). For several reasons early in 2011, the decision was made to bring them together under the one brand; as a result Paperbark Merchants was born.
With the freedom of becoming truly independent the business has evolved, Paperbark Tickets and Woof Dog Records is a direct result of this. Our intention is to provide a service that people want to be a part of, we want you to enjoy coming to see us and to seek us out when there's a chance we can help.
Supported by an amazing group of humans we are blessed to be surrounded by friends that always make the days interesting, drop by and enjoy our welcoming atmosphere while you lose track of time, you wont be the first!
We would like to thank you for coming to check us out, please don't hesitate to give us whistle via the contacts page – we will come running!